Fight On - Jewellery For Ukraine

*The war in Ukraine has been fought for 3 years now. Ukrainians are fighting the good fight and working to hold onto the country that is theirs. In an attempt to help the cause I am doing what I do best by making jewellery to benefit those most in need.  40% of all of your purchases from the Fight On Collection will be sent monthly to the Canada Ukraine Surgical Aid Program of the Canada Ukraine Foundation at This program directs its funds to help all people who are injured in the war.

*"Fight On" is the name of my jewellery collection. Named for the "Fight On & You Will Prevail" credo that every Ukrainian has lived by since it was first spoken by Ukraine Poet Laureate Taras Shevchenko, March 9, 1814 - March 10, 1861.

*I chose two Ukrainian embroidery patterns, a sunflower pattern that I purchased directly from a young woman in the Ukraine from her ETSY shop and finally the Coat of Arms of Ukraine as the patterns to work with for this new line.

*I hope you find a piece or two from this collection that you want to wear or gift in support of Ukraine.  Thank you for helping me to help Ukraine in their most dire hours of need.


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